Aleksandrova, Natalija. “Thermoregulation in horses in a cold time of year.” Academia Artivm Didacticvm Eqviorvm in Liberti. 2014. Web. <>.
Anderson, Kathleen. "Housing for horses: flooring for stalls." University of Nebraska Extension, 2008. Web.
Anderson, Kathleen. "Winter care for horses." University of Nebrasca-Lincoln EXTENSION. (2008). Web.
Balch, O.K., D. Butler, and M. Collier. "Balancing the normal foot: hoof preparation, shoe fit, and show modification in the performance horse." Equine Veterinary Education. 10.S4 (1998): 30-41. Print.
Baltacis, A., A. Hofmann, H. Schobesberger, and C. Peham. "Evaluation of pressure distribution under a fitting saddle with different saddle pads." Journal of Biomechanics. 39 (2006): S559-S560. Print.
Benhajali, H., M. Ezzaouia, C. Lunel, F. Charfi, and M. Hausberger. "Temporal feeding pattern may influence reproduction efficiency, the example of breeding mares." PLoS ONE. 8.9 (2013): 1-5. Print.
"Biotin for horses: does it really work?" Feed Mix Magazine. 16.2 (2008): n. page. Web.
Birch, H.L., A. Wilson, and A. Goodship. "The effect of exercise-induced localized hyperthermia on tendon cell survival ." Journal of Experimental Biology. 200 (1997): 1703-1708. Print.
Black, Angela. "Biotin and Equine Structural Soundness". Nutrifacts, Hoffman-LaRoche. Cook College, Rutgers Univ. 1985. Lecture.
"Body condition score chart." Kentucky Equine Research. 2010. Web. PDF file.
Brokner, C., P. Norgaard, and H. Hansen. "Affect of feed type and essential oil product on equine chewing activity." Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. 92 (2008): 621-630. Print.
Bystro ̈m, A., A. Stalfelt, A. Egenvall, K. Von Peinen, K. Morgan, and L. Roepstorff. "Influence of girth strap placement and panel flocking material on the saddle pressure pattern during riding of horses." Equine Veterinary Journal. 42 (2010): 502-509. Print.
Cena, K. and J. Clark. “Transfer of heat through animal coats and clothing.” International Review of Physiology- Environmental Physiology III. 20 (1979): 142. Print.
Christie, Julie. "Horse Behavior and Stable Vices." University of Minnesota Extension. 2008. Web.
Cooper, J., N. Mcall, S. Johnson, and H. Davidson. "The short-term effects of increasing meal frequency on stereotypic behavior of stabled horses." Applied Animal Behavior Science. 90 (2005): 351-364. Print.
Cymbaluk, N.F., and G. Christison. "Environmental effects of the thermoregulation and nutrition of horses." Veterinary Clinics North America Equine Practice. 6 (1990): 355-372. Print.
Dover, Saddlery. "How to select hoof boots for riding." Dover Equestrian Library. 2012. Web. <>.
Dover Saddlery. "Field Guide to Horse Blanket Styles.", 2011. Web.
Eades, Susan. "Answers To Three Common Questions About Equine Nutrition." DMV NewsMagazine. Jan 2010: 2E-3E. Print.
Edwards, Elwyn. Horses: Their Role in the History of Man. London: Willow Books, 1987. Print.
Elfman, L., M. Riihimaki, J. Pringle, and R. Walinder. "Influence of horse stable environment on human airways." Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology. 4.10 (2009): 276-282. Print.
Equinews. "Biotin basics." Kentucky Equine Research. 6.2. Web.
"For better health and performance, follow the Forage First nutritional pyramid." Web. JPEG file.
Gibbs, P.G, G.D. Potter, and M.M. Vogelsang. "Nutrition and feeding management of broodmares."AgriLIFE EXTENSION. Web. 26 Mar 2014. <>.
Gillen, A., S. Dyson, and R. Murray. "Nuclear scintigraphic assessment of the thoracolumbar synovial intervertebral articulations. Equine Veterinary Journal. 41 (2009): 534–540. Print.
Girodroux, M., S. Dyson, and R. Murray. 2009. "Osteoarthritis of the thoracolumbar synovial intervertebral articulations: Clinical and radiographic features in 77 horses with poor performance and back pain." Equine Veterinary Journal 41 (2009): 130–138. Print.
Gore, T., P. Gore, and J. Giffin. Horse Owner's Veterinary Handbook. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing Inc., 2008. Print.
Harman, Joyce. "Measurement of the pressures exerted by saddles on the horse’s back using a computerized pressure measuring device." Pferdeheilkunde. 13 (1997): 129–134. Print.
Harman, Joyce. The Horse’s Pain-Free Back and Saddle-Fit Book. Buckingham, UK: Kenilworth Press, 2004. Print.
Harman, Joyce. "Practical saddle fitting." The Equine Athlete. 8 (1995): 12–19. Print.
Hathaway, Marcia. "The importance of water." University of Minnesota Extension, 2013. Web.
Heleski, C., and I. Murtazashvili. "Daytime shelter-seeking behavior in domestic horses." Jornal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research. 5.5 (2010): 276-282. Print.
Henderson, Antonia. "Don't fence me in: managing psychological well being of elite performance horses." Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science. 10.4 (2007): 309-329. Print
Hill, Cherry. Stable Keeping. North Adam, MA: Storey Publishing, 2000. Print.
Kane, Ed. "Vitamine E is essencial equine nutrient ." DMV NewsMagazine. May 2004: 10E-15E. Print.
Kane, Ed. "NRC guidelines show how age, weather affect nutrition needs ." DVM NewsMagazine. June 2007. 6E-8E. Print.
Kane, Ed. "Nutrition's role in stallion fertility." DVM NewsMagazine. Jun 2008: 6E-8E. Print.
Kicker, C. J., C. Peham, D. Girtler, and T. Licka. "Influence of support boots on fetlock joint angle of the forelimb of the horse at walk and trot." Equine Veterinary Journal. 36.8 (2004): 769–771. Print.
Kotschwar, A.B., A. Baltacis, and C. Peham. "The effects of different saddle pads on forces and pressure distribution beneath a fitting saddle." Equine Veterinary Journal. 42 (2010): 114-118. Print.
Larson, Erica. "Keys to consider when feeding broodmares." Blood-Horse Publications. 29 8 2012: n. page. Web. 26 Mar. 2014. <>.
Lewis, L.D., A. Knight, B, Lewis, and C. Lewis. Feeding and Care of the Horse. 2. Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins, 1996. Print.
Linder-Ganz, E., S. Engelberg, M. Scheinowitz, and A. Gefen. "Pressure-time cell death threshold for albino rat skeletal muscles as related to pressure sore biomechanics." Journal of Biomechanics. 39 (2006): 2725–2732. Print.
Longland, A.C., and B. Byrd. "Pasture nonstructural carbohydrates and equine laminitis." The Journal of Nutrition. 136 (2006): 2099S-2102S. Print.
Luhmann, L.M., S. Wicker, D. Hoyt, C. Kobluk, and E. Cogger. "Evaluation of shock attenuation in the forelimb of horses wearing boots and wraps." Journal of Equine Veterinary Sciences. 20.8 (2000): 503-510. Print.
Marcella, Kenneth. "Soothing the savage beast." DVM NewsMaagazine. Jun 2007: 2E-4E. Print.
Marcella, Kenneth. "Sport horse nutrition: winning is in the details." DVM NewsMagazine. Nov 2010: 8E-9E. Print.
Marlin, David. "The problem with boots.", 2010. Web.
McArthur, A. J. “Thermal resistance and sensible heat loss of animals”. Journal of Thermal Biology. 6 (1981): 43-47. Print.
McArthur, A. J. ” Metabolism of homeotherms in cold and estimation of thermal insulation”. Journal of Thermal Biology. 16.3 (1991): 149-155. Print.
McBride, G. E., R. Christopherson and W. Sauer. “Metabolic rate and plasma thyroid hormone concentrations of mature horses in response to changes in ambient temperature.” Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 65 (1985): 375-382. Print.
McGreevy, Paul. Interview by RERDC Equine Research News. March 1996. Web.
Medjell, C., and F. Aksnes. 2012. "Saddle fit, degree of neck flexion and rider’s position associated with back soreness in riding horses." Proceedings of the 8th International Equitation Science Conference, Edinburgh. (2013). Lecture.
Meehan, L., S. Dyson, and R. Murray. "Radiographic and scintigraphic evaluation of spondylosis in the equine thoracolumbar spine: A retrospective study." Equine Veterinary Journal. 41 (2009): 800–807. Print.
Meschan, E.M., C. Peham, H. Schobesberger, and T. Licka. "The influence of the width of the saddle tree on the forces and the pressure distribution under the saddle." The Veterinary Journal. 173 (2007): 578–584. Print.
Mohammad, H.O., T. Divers, B. Summers, and A. De Lahunta. "Vitamin E deficiency and risk of equine motor neuron disease." ATCA Veterinaria Scandinavica. 49.17 (2007): 1-9. Print.
Moore, C. L., P. M. Walker, J. R. Winter, M. A. Jones, and J. M. Webb. 1989. "Effects of Zinpro® Zinc Methionine on Hoof Growth Rates." Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science. 82.99 (1989).
Morgan, Karin. "Effects of short-term changes on ambient air temperature or altered insulation in horses." Journal of Thermal Biology. 22 (1997): 187-194. Print.
Morgan, Karin. "Thermoneutral zone and critical temperatures of horses." Journal of Thermal Biology. 23.1 (1998): 59-61. Print.
Morgan, Karin. "Environmental effects of the thermoregulation and nutrition of horses." Journal of Thermal Biology . 23.1 (1998): 59-61. Print.
Mount, L. E. “The concept of thermal neutrality”. Heat Loss from Animals and Man-Assessment and Control. (1973): 425-435. Print.
Murphy, Jack. "Boots on horses: limb protection or hyperflexion training aids in the showjumping horse." Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science. 11 (2008): 223-227. Print.
Murray, R.C., J. Walters, H. Snart, S. Dyson, and T. Parkin. "Identification of risk factors for lameness in dressage horses." The Veterinary Journal. 184 (2010): 27–36. Print.
Myers, Micaela. Leg and Hoof Care for Horses. Gullford, CT: The Globe Pequot Press, 2009. Print.
National Research Council, Committee on Nutrient Requirements of Horses, Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources, Division on Earth and Life Studies. Nutrient Requirement of Horses. 6th. Washington DC: The National Academic Press, 2001. Print.
Nottingham Veterinary School. Web. JPEG file.
"Nutrition of the broodmare." University of Kentucky EXTENSION. Web.
Ousey, J.C., A. McArthur, P. Murgatroyd, J. Stewart, and P. Rossdale. "Thermoregulation and total body insulation in the neonatal foal." Journal of Thermal Biology. 17 (1992): 1–10. Print.
Pagan, Joe. "Feeding the broodmare." Kentucky Equine Research. 4.1. Web.
Ragnarsson, S. , and J.E. Lindberg. "Impact of feeding levels on digestibility of an haulage/only diet in Icelandic horses." Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. 94 (2010): 623-627. Print.
Roberts, Monty. Introductory Course of Horsemanship Booklet. Solvang: Monty Roberts International Learning Center. 2012. 89-416. Print.
Robertson, G.T., and R.A. Mowrey. "Fences For Horses." Bio & Ag Engineering. North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, 2005. Web. <>.
Sainsbury, D.W.B. "Ventilation and environment in relation to equine respiratory disease." Equine Veterinary Journal. 13.3 (1981): 167-170. Print.
Sanders, Jennifer. "Effect of two bandage protocols on equine fetlock kinematics." MS thesis. Auburn University, 2009. Print.
ThinLine. "Protective and supportive leg equipment for your horse.", 2013. Web.
"Trace minerals impact on equine performance." Nutrena. 2014. Web. JPEG file.
Valberg, S.J., and C.J. Finno. "A comparative review of vitamin E and associated equine disorders." Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 26 (2012): 1251-1266. Print.
Van Doorn, D.A., M.E. Van Der Sper, H. Everts, H. Wouterse, and A.C. Beynen. "The influence of calcium intake on phosphorus digestibility in mature ponies." Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. 88 (2004): 412-418. Print.
Wakshlag, J.J., and S.K. Morgan. "cDNA and protein sequence for canine arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase: structural modeling and species differences."Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. (2009): 146. Print.
Wallsten, H., K. Olsson, and K. Dahlborn. "Temperature regulation in horses during exercise and recovery in a cool environment." ACTA Veterinaria Scandinavia . 54.42 (2012): 1-6. Print.
"Winter shelter for pastured horses." EQUUS Magazine. February 1999: n. page. Print.
Woods, P.A., N.E Robinson, M.C Swanson, C.E. Reed, R.V Broadstone, and F.J. Derksen. "Airborne dust and aeroallergen concentration in a horse stable under two different management systems." Equine Veterinary Journal. 25 (1993): 208-213. Print.
Young, B. A. and J. Coote. “Some Effects of Cold on Horses”. Horse Report at Feeders’ Day. University of Alberta, Department of Animal Science. Edmonton, Alberta.
Zimmerman, M., S. Dyson, and R. Murray. "Close, impinging and overriding spinous processes in the thoracolumbar spine: The relationship between radiological and scintigraphic findings and clinical signs." Equine Veterinary Journal. 44 (2011): 178–184. Print.
Zimmerman, M., S. Dyson, and R. Murray. "Comparison of radiographic and scintigraphic findings of the spinous processes in the equine thoracolumbar region." Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound. 52 (2011): 661–671. Print.
Anderson, Kathleen. "Housing for horses: flooring for stalls." University of Nebraska Extension, 2008. Web.
Anderson, Kathleen. "Winter care for horses." University of Nebrasca-Lincoln EXTENSION. (2008). Web.
Balch, O.K., D. Butler, and M. Collier. "Balancing the normal foot: hoof preparation, shoe fit, and show modification in the performance horse." Equine Veterinary Education. 10.S4 (1998): 30-41. Print.
Baltacis, A., A. Hofmann, H. Schobesberger, and C. Peham. "Evaluation of pressure distribution under a fitting saddle with different saddle pads." Journal of Biomechanics. 39 (2006): S559-S560. Print.
Benhajali, H., M. Ezzaouia, C. Lunel, F. Charfi, and M. Hausberger. "Temporal feeding pattern may influence reproduction efficiency, the example of breeding mares." PLoS ONE. 8.9 (2013): 1-5. Print.
"Biotin for horses: does it really work?" Feed Mix Magazine. 16.2 (2008): n. page. Web.
Birch, H.L., A. Wilson, and A. Goodship. "The effect of exercise-induced localized hyperthermia on tendon cell survival ." Journal of Experimental Biology. 200 (1997): 1703-1708. Print.
Black, Angela. "Biotin and Equine Structural Soundness". Nutrifacts, Hoffman-LaRoche. Cook College, Rutgers Univ. 1985. Lecture.
"Body condition score chart." Kentucky Equine Research. 2010. Web. PDF file.
Brokner, C., P. Norgaard, and H. Hansen. "Affect of feed type and essential oil product on equine chewing activity." Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. 92 (2008): 621-630. Print.
Bystro ̈m, A., A. Stalfelt, A. Egenvall, K. Von Peinen, K. Morgan, and L. Roepstorff. "Influence of girth strap placement and panel flocking material on the saddle pressure pattern during riding of horses." Equine Veterinary Journal. 42 (2010): 502-509. Print.
Cena, K. and J. Clark. “Transfer of heat through animal coats and clothing.” International Review of Physiology- Environmental Physiology III. 20 (1979): 142. Print.
Christie, Julie. "Horse Behavior and Stable Vices." University of Minnesota Extension. 2008. Web.
Cooper, J., N. Mcall, S. Johnson, and H. Davidson. "The short-term effects of increasing meal frequency on stereotypic behavior of stabled horses." Applied Animal Behavior Science. 90 (2005): 351-364. Print.
Cymbaluk, N.F., and G. Christison. "Environmental effects of the thermoregulation and nutrition of horses." Veterinary Clinics North America Equine Practice. 6 (1990): 355-372. Print.
Dover, Saddlery. "How to select hoof boots for riding." Dover Equestrian Library. 2012. Web. <>.
Dover Saddlery. "Field Guide to Horse Blanket Styles.", 2011. Web.
Eades, Susan. "Answers To Three Common Questions About Equine Nutrition." DMV NewsMagazine. Jan 2010: 2E-3E. Print.
Edwards, Elwyn. Horses: Their Role in the History of Man. London: Willow Books, 1987. Print.
Elfman, L., M. Riihimaki, J. Pringle, and R. Walinder. "Influence of horse stable environment on human airways." Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology. 4.10 (2009): 276-282. Print.
Equinews. "Biotin basics." Kentucky Equine Research. 6.2. Web.
"For better health and performance, follow the Forage First nutritional pyramid." Web. JPEG file.
Gibbs, P.G, G.D. Potter, and M.M. Vogelsang. "Nutrition and feeding management of broodmares."AgriLIFE EXTENSION. Web. 26 Mar 2014. <>.
Gillen, A., S. Dyson, and R. Murray. "Nuclear scintigraphic assessment of the thoracolumbar synovial intervertebral articulations. Equine Veterinary Journal. 41 (2009): 534–540. Print.
Girodroux, M., S. Dyson, and R. Murray. 2009. "Osteoarthritis of the thoracolumbar synovial intervertebral articulations: Clinical and radiographic features in 77 horses with poor performance and back pain." Equine Veterinary Journal 41 (2009): 130–138. Print.
Gore, T., P. Gore, and J. Giffin. Horse Owner's Veterinary Handbook. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing Inc., 2008. Print.
Harman, Joyce. "Measurement of the pressures exerted by saddles on the horse’s back using a computerized pressure measuring device." Pferdeheilkunde. 13 (1997): 129–134. Print.
Harman, Joyce. The Horse’s Pain-Free Back and Saddle-Fit Book. Buckingham, UK: Kenilworth Press, 2004. Print.
Harman, Joyce. "Practical saddle fitting." The Equine Athlete. 8 (1995): 12–19. Print.
Hathaway, Marcia. "The importance of water." University of Minnesota Extension, 2013. Web.
Heleski, C., and I. Murtazashvili. "Daytime shelter-seeking behavior in domestic horses." Jornal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research. 5.5 (2010): 276-282. Print.
Henderson, Antonia. "Don't fence me in: managing psychological well being of elite performance horses." Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science. 10.4 (2007): 309-329. Print
Hill, Cherry. Stable Keeping. North Adam, MA: Storey Publishing, 2000. Print.
Kane, Ed. "Vitamine E is essencial equine nutrient ." DMV NewsMagazine. May 2004: 10E-15E. Print.
Kane, Ed. "NRC guidelines show how age, weather affect nutrition needs ." DVM NewsMagazine. June 2007. 6E-8E. Print.
Kane, Ed. "Nutrition's role in stallion fertility." DVM NewsMagazine. Jun 2008: 6E-8E. Print.
Kicker, C. J., C. Peham, D. Girtler, and T. Licka. "Influence of support boots on fetlock joint angle of the forelimb of the horse at walk and trot." Equine Veterinary Journal. 36.8 (2004): 769–771. Print.
Kotschwar, A.B., A. Baltacis, and C. Peham. "The effects of different saddle pads on forces and pressure distribution beneath a fitting saddle." Equine Veterinary Journal. 42 (2010): 114-118. Print.
Larson, Erica. "Keys to consider when feeding broodmares." Blood-Horse Publications. 29 8 2012: n. page. Web. 26 Mar. 2014. <>.
Lewis, L.D., A. Knight, B, Lewis, and C. Lewis. Feeding and Care of the Horse. 2. Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins, 1996. Print.
Linder-Ganz, E., S. Engelberg, M. Scheinowitz, and A. Gefen. "Pressure-time cell death threshold for albino rat skeletal muscles as related to pressure sore biomechanics." Journal of Biomechanics. 39 (2006): 2725–2732. Print.
Longland, A.C., and B. Byrd. "Pasture nonstructural carbohydrates and equine laminitis." The Journal of Nutrition. 136 (2006): 2099S-2102S. Print.
Luhmann, L.M., S. Wicker, D. Hoyt, C. Kobluk, and E. Cogger. "Evaluation of shock attenuation in the forelimb of horses wearing boots and wraps." Journal of Equine Veterinary Sciences. 20.8 (2000): 503-510. Print.
Marcella, Kenneth. "Soothing the savage beast." DVM NewsMaagazine. Jun 2007: 2E-4E. Print.
Marcella, Kenneth. "Sport horse nutrition: winning is in the details." DVM NewsMagazine. Nov 2010: 8E-9E. Print.
Marlin, David. "The problem with boots.", 2010. Web.
McArthur, A. J. “Thermal resistance and sensible heat loss of animals”. Journal of Thermal Biology. 6 (1981): 43-47. Print.
McArthur, A. J. ” Metabolism of homeotherms in cold and estimation of thermal insulation”. Journal of Thermal Biology. 16.3 (1991): 149-155. Print.
McBride, G. E., R. Christopherson and W. Sauer. “Metabolic rate and plasma thyroid hormone concentrations of mature horses in response to changes in ambient temperature.” Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 65 (1985): 375-382. Print.
McGreevy, Paul. Interview by RERDC Equine Research News. March 1996. Web.
Medjell, C., and F. Aksnes. 2012. "Saddle fit, degree of neck flexion and rider’s position associated with back soreness in riding horses." Proceedings of the 8th International Equitation Science Conference, Edinburgh. (2013). Lecture.
Meehan, L., S. Dyson, and R. Murray. "Radiographic and scintigraphic evaluation of spondylosis in the equine thoracolumbar spine: A retrospective study." Equine Veterinary Journal. 41 (2009): 800–807. Print.
Meschan, E.M., C. Peham, H. Schobesberger, and T. Licka. "The influence of the width of the saddle tree on the forces and the pressure distribution under the saddle." The Veterinary Journal. 173 (2007): 578–584. Print.
Mohammad, H.O., T. Divers, B. Summers, and A. De Lahunta. "Vitamin E deficiency and risk of equine motor neuron disease." ATCA Veterinaria Scandinavica. 49.17 (2007): 1-9. Print.
Moore, C. L., P. M. Walker, J. R. Winter, M. A. Jones, and J. M. Webb. 1989. "Effects of Zinpro® Zinc Methionine on Hoof Growth Rates." Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science. 82.99 (1989).
Morgan, Karin. "Effects of short-term changes on ambient air temperature or altered insulation in horses." Journal of Thermal Biology. 22 (1997): 187-194. Print.
Morgan, Karin. "Thermoneutral zone and critical temperatures of horses." Journal of Thermal Biology. 23.1 (1998): 59-61. Print.
Morgan, Karin. "Environmental effects of the thermoregulation and nutrition of horses." Journal of Thermal Biology . 23.1 (1998): 59-61. Print.
Mount, L. E. “The concept of thermal neutrality”. Heat Loss from Animals and Man-Assessment and Control. (1973): 425-435. Print.
Murphy, Jack. "Boots on horses: limb protection or hyperflexion training aids in the showjumping horse." Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science. 11 (2008): 223-227. Print.
Murray, R.C., J. Walters, H. Snart, S. Dyson, and T. Parkin. "Identification of risk factors for lameness in dressage horses." The Veterinary Journal. 184 (2010): 27–36. Print.
Myers, Micaela. Leg and Hoof Care for Horses. Gullford, CT: The Globe Pequot Press, 2009. Print.
National Research Council, Committee on Nutrient Requirements of Horses, Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources, Division on Earth and Life Studies. Nutrient Requirement of Horses. 6th. Washington DC: The National Academic Press, 2001. Print.
Nottingham Veterinary School. Web. JPEG file.
"Nutrition of the broodmare." University of Kentucky EXTENSION. Web.
Ousey, J.C., A. McArthur, P. Murgatroyd, J. Stewart, and P. Rossdale. "Thermoregulation and total body insulation in the neonatal foal." Journal of Thermal Biology. 17 (1992): 1–10. Print.
Pagan, Joe. "Feeding the broodmare." Kentucky Equine Research. 4.1. Web.
Ragnarsson, S. , and J.E. Lindberg. "Impact of feeding levels on digestibility of an haulage/only diet in Icelandic horses." Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. 94 (2010): 623-627. Print.
Roberts, Monty. Introductory Course of Horsemanship Booklet. Solvang: Monty Roberts International Learning Center. 2012. 89-416. Print.
Robertson, G.T., and R.A. Mowrey. "Fences For Horses." Bio & Ag Engineering. North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, 2005. Web. <>.
Sainsbury, D.W.B. "Ventilation and environment in relation to equine respiratory disease." Equine Veterinary Journal. 13.3 (1981): 167-170. Print.
Sanders, Jennifer. "Effect of two bandage protocols on equine fetlock kinematics." MS thesis. Auburn University, 2009. Print.
ThinLine. "Protective and supportive leg equipment for your horse.", 2013. Web.
"Trace minerals impact on equine performance." Nutrena. 2014. Web. JPEG file.
Valberg, S.J., and C.J. Finno. "A comparative review of vitamin E and associated equine disorders." Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 26 (2012): 1251-1266. Print.
Van Doorn, D.A., M.E. Van Der Sper, H. Everts, H. Wouterse, and A.C. Beynen. "The influence of calcium intake on phosphorus digestibility in mature ponies." Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. 88 (2004): 412-418. Print.
Wakshlag, J.J., and S.K. Morgan. "cDNA and protein sequence for canine arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase: structural modeling and species differences."Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. (2009): 146. Print.
Wallsten, H., K. Olsson, and K. Dahlborn. "Temperature regulation in horses during exercise and recovery in a cool environment." ACTA Veterinaria Scandinavia . 54.42 (2012): 1-6. Print.
"Winter shelter for pastured horses." EQUUS Magazine. February 1999: n. page. Print.
Woods, P.A., N.E Robinson, M.C Swanson, C.E. Reed, R.V Broadstone, and F.J. Derksen. "Airborne dust and aeroallergen concentration in a horse stable under two different management systems." Equine Veterinary Journal. 25 (1993): 208-213. Print.
Young, B. A. and J. Coote. “Some Effects of Cold on Horses”. Horse Report at Feeders’ Day. University of Alberta, Department of Animal Science. Edmonton, Alberta.
Zimmerman, M., S. Dyson, and R. Murray. "Close, impinging and overriding spinous processes in the thoracolumbar spine: The relationship between radiological and scintigraphic findings and clinical signs." Equine Veterinary Journal. 44 (2011): 178–184. Print.
Zimmerman, M., S. Dyson, and R. Murray. "Comparison of radiographic and scintigraphic findings of the spinous processes in the equine thoracolumbar region." Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound. 52 (2011): 661–671. Print.